

The definition of “insignificant” is as follows:

too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
“the amount required was insignificant compared with military spending”
synonyms: unimportant, trivial, trifling, negligible, inconsequential, of no account, inconsiderable (thanks to Google Search for the definition)

So often, we feel this way – we feel “insignificant.” We go about our lives wondering why we get up, struggle through the day at work, go home, cook, clean, fall into bed, only to repeat repeat repeat … What are we accomplishing? What are we doing here? Yes, there are those that are out there making a difference, but for the vast majority of us, it’s just the daily routine of seemingly endless, pointless tasks.

Sometimes we have to take a step back, seek within ourselves, to find a sense of meaning in these routines. Perhaps we’re just filling up office space. Maybe we are just one in the process of a delivery service. Or maybe we’re preparing a part – a mechanism – that will someday be a part of something far greater that will enable a machine to run, to benefit all. Even if we can’t see it ourselves, there is a purpose. Myself – I “push papers” in an office. I struggle to see any sense of purpose in what I do. Someone once told me, “But you’re the HISTORIAN! In twenty-five – fifty – one hundred years, people will be searching these books for this information!” I still struggle to feel purpose …

But then there are times when I have an “aha” moment. Such was the case when I was looking at the photo I posted here, today. The original, larger photo shows a number of pretty summer flowers, bending toward the late-afternoon sun. I zoomed in for a closer look at some of the petals and pistils, and I noticed, flying just to the top left of the second blossom (from the bottom left) is a tiny insect flying towards the flower.

This little creature doesn’t question its purpose but goes about its work instinctively, knowing that this is exactly where it is supposed to be, now, doing exactly what it’s doing. Perhaps they don’t think – as we do – Why am I here? Why am I doing this? But maybe there’s a lesson to be learned, that we are all here doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing, here and now.

Please know I’m not suggesting that we never strive for more meaning in our lives. I seek more fulfillment in my own life, and know that I do best and feel best about myself when I’m in certain vocations or activities. But right here, right now, this is what I’m to be doing.

If you aren’t happy doing what you’re doing – if it isn’t making you happy or fulfilled, take some time to seek inside and find your calling. Then take steps to move towards that goal. It’s said that if we find a job we love, we will never work a day in our lives….

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