

The definition of “insignificant” is as follows:

too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
“the amount required was insignificant compared with military spending”
synonyms: unimportant, trivial, trifling, negligible, inconsequential, of no account, inconsiderable (thanks to Google Search for the definition)

So often, we feel this way – we feel “insignificant.” We go about our lives wondering why we get up, struggle through the day at work, go home, cook, clean, fall into bed, only to repeat repeat repeat … What are we accomplishing? What are we doing here? Yes, there are those that are out there making a difference, but for the vast majority of us, it’s just the daily routine of seemingly endless, pointless tasks.

Sometimes we have to take a step back, seek within ourselves, to find a sense of meaning in these routines. Perhaps we’re just filling up office space. Maybe we are just one in the process of a delivery service. Or maybe we’re preparing a part – a mechanism – that will someday be a part of something far greater that will enable a machine to run, to benefit all. Even if we can’t see it ourselves, there is a purpose. Myself – I “push papers” in an office. I struggle to see any sense of purpose in what I do. Someone once told me, “But you’re the HISTORIAN! In twenty-five – fifty – one hundred years, people will be searching these books for this information!” I still struggle to feel purpose …

But then there are times when I have an “aha” moment. Such was the case when I was looking at the photo I posted here, today. The original, larger photo shows a number of pretty summer flowers, bending toward the late-afternoon sun. I zoomed in for a closer look at some of the petals and pistils, and I noticed, flying just to the top left of the second blossom (from the bottom left) is a tiny insect flying towards the flower.

This little creature doesn’t question its purpose but goes about its work instinctively, knowing that this is exactly where it is supposed to be, now, doing exactly what it’s doing. Perhaps they don’t think – as we do – Why am I here? Why am I doing this? But maybe there’s a lesson to be learned, that we are all here doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing, here and now.

Please know I’m not suggesting that we never strive for more meaning in our lives. I seek more fulfillment in my own life, and know that I do best and feel best about myself when I’m in certain vocations or activities. But right here, right now, this is what I’m to be doing.

If you aren’t happy doing what you’re doing – if it isn’t making you happy or fulfilled, take some time to seek inside and find your calling. Then take steps to move towards that goal. It’s said that if we find a job we love, we will never work a day in our lives….



For the past week, I’ve been “under the weather” and for a few days, felt barely able to function. I know that it’s a passing illness and that I’ll be back to myself in a short while, but I indulged myself when it was at its worst and had a “poor me” moment.

While I recuperated, alternately dozing and sipping hot cinnamon tea for the chills and my oh-so-sore-throat, I caught up a bit on my reading and “social networks.” After I read one girl’s postings (and those of her mother), I was reminded that what I’m dealing with is minor in comparison to what others are going through, every moment of every day.

This young girl, Karen, lives every day in pain. Every moment of every day. She has a litany of problems yet keeps such a wonderful attitude about herself, and doesn’t let her condition(s) get her down. She spends much of her time trying to make others happy, brightening others’ days. On her page on Facebook, she states, “My name is Karen and I’ve been living with a lot of chronic illnesses! I have autoimmune autonomic neuropathy – severe Gastroparesis (my stomach is paralysed and i’m tube fed), EDS (Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome), Pots (Postural Tachycardia Syndrome), Chronic Urticiara, Urine Retention (have to use catheters to pee),Fibromyalgia , Chronic Malignant Hypertension, Chronic Migraines, Vasospastic Angina/Prinzmetal angina , asthma, Chronic Vitamin D Deficiency, allergic to protein in cows milk, High C1Q Antibodies, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and lots more.”

She recently had surgery to sever the nerves around her kidneys which may help reduce her high blood pressure problems. I can’t even imagine all that this poor child has gone through!

But this sweet girl – this angel – has been a pillar of strength for those around her. If you have an account on FB, check out her page and “Like” it and send her lots of love and good thoughts.

And while I deal with aches and pains on a daily basis, this girl reminds me to remember just how blessed I am …

Feeling Cloudy

Feeling Cloudy

This weekend has been just beautiful – the weather has been cool and is showing signs of autumn coming on. I’ve been able to accomplish many things and check them off my long “To Do” list. The people I’ve been in contact with have been pleasant and I was even able to visit with my family via Skype to see my new great-nephew!

But something happened today that has me feeling a bit “cloudy.”

Today we had to travel to the nearest city for glasses. Two adults, two kids (both in car seats) in a not-so-big vehicle, packages from the little shopping excursion after getting our glasses in the back, and just looking forward to getting home. Worried a bit as we drove home because the car was threatening to overheat. As we rounded the corner, there was a gentleman standing at the side of the road, a duffel bag at his feet, and he raised his hands in a prayer type motion.

We’ve all – while driving – passed someone along the road that’s hoping or asking for a ride. The look on his face and his action (putting his hands together that way) has stuck with me. Both of us thought how we could have tucked him into the car – but where?! And two women – with two small children – should not pick up hitchhikers! We know that there are less-than-trustworthy individuals in the area. And it’s upsetting that we even have to think that way!

But it still has me feeling “cloudy” and wishing I could have helped…..